If you have any questions about our pricing, please do email us, pop in. or check out the bottom section on the right - CREDIT SYSTEM EXPLAINED. Please also read our class cancellation policy before making a booking, thank you.
ALL CLASSES (5 credits or less remaining can be added to a new pack) | 50 Credits in 30 Days | £50 - Buy Now
5 Credits | Live Stream/Community Class (kids, teen, parent and baby) | £10 - Buy Now
8 Credits | Yoga/Mat Pilates/Hot Yoga/Barre Express | £16 - Buy Now
9 Credits - Barre/Inferno/75 min Yoga/Strength/RIDE/Gong Bath/Lower Cost Reformer Pilates | £18 - Buy Now
11 Credits | Peak Reformer Class | £22 - Buy Now
50 Credits (all classes | exact value for 10 community classes) | 6 Month Expiry | All Classes | £90 - Buy Now
80 Credits (all classes | exact value for 10 mat/hot yoga classes) | 6 Month Expiry | All Classes | £136 - Buy Now
90 Credits (all classes | exact value for 10 barre/strength/inferno/gong/low cost reformer classes) | 6 Month Expiry | All Classes | £144 - Buy Now
135 Credits (all classes | exact value for 10 barre/strength/inferno/gong/low cost reformer classes | 6 Month Expiry | All Classes | £216 - Buy Now
200 Credits (all classes) | 6 Month Expiry | All Classes | £280 - Buy Now
330 Credits (all classes | exact value for 30 reformer classes) | 6 Month Expiry | All Classes | £412.50 - Buy Now
Online Video Library Membership | £14.99/mth (cancel at any time) - Buy Now
Unlimited Live Streaming/48 hour replay | £59/mth (cancel at any time) - Buy Now
All Classes Except Reformer | 1 Month Unlimited |£170 - Buy Now
All Classes Including Reformer | £220 - Buy Now
Live Streaming | 12 Months Unlimited | £600 - Buy Now
Yoga, Mat Pilates, Online Only | 6 Months Unlimited | £560 - Buy Now
81 Credits/mth | All Classes | £99/mth (6 mth min; unused credits don’t roll over) - Buy Now
88 Credits/mth | All Classes | £109/mth (6 mth min; unused credits don’t roll over) - Buy Now
Unlimited | All Classes (excluding reformer Pilates) | £129/mth (6 mth min) - Buy Now
Unlimited | All Classes (including reformer Pilates) | £159/mth (6 mth min) - Buy Now
If you are purchasing a drop-in pay as you go class, a single credit costs £2 and you will need the correct numbers of credits for the class you want to do, as follows:
Single community (kids, teen, parent and baby) or online class is 5 credits
Single yoga/mat Pilates/hot yoga/barre express drop in class is 8 credits
Single barre/hot/strength/hot yoga class is 8 credits
Single RIDE/low cost reformer/inferno/strength/RIDE/gong bath is 9 credits
Single peak reformer is 11 credits
You can also purchase a credit bundle to get a discount on the credit price, and all our credit bundles can be used on all classes. We offer the following bundles, and if you mainly do yoga, barre, hot, RIDE, off peak or peak reformer, you might want to purchase the bundle that makes most sense for that class type. However, you can use your bundle on all classes. Bundle pricing is as follows:
A 50 credit bundle (10 community classes) costs £90, £1.80 per credit.
An 80 credit bundle (10 yoga, mat Pilates, barre express or hot classes) costs £136, £1.70 per credit.
A 90 credit bundle (10 strength, 75 min yoga, RIDE, low cost reformer, barre or inferno classes) costs £144, £1.60 per credit
A 135 credit bundle (15 strength, 75 min yoga, RIDE, low cost reformer, barre or inferno classes) costs £216, £1.55 per credit.
A 330 credit bundle is equivalent to 30 peak reformer classes, costs £412.50 and works out at £1.25 per credit.
We also offer a 200 credit bundle for £280, £1.40 per credit if this works for your budget.
Please note, all bundles can be used on all classes, including gong baths. If you have leftover credits, please email us to add them to your new pack. Alternatively you can top them up with single credits to use them on a class for £2 per credit.
Community Reformer Pilates classes include gentle reformer, pregnancy and lunchtime basics class, plus 1030am basics on Thursday mornings. These are priced at 9 credits.